Multiple System Atrophy

Signs and Symptoms of MSA
Muscle control
Constant need to urinate
Frequent urination
Loss of bladder control
Unable to urinate
Erectile dysfunction
Low blood pressure
Dizziness on standing up
poor co-ordination, balance or speech
No Effective Treatment
3,000 (UK) and 250,000(worldwide) are suffering with MSA (source WHO).
Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is a rare condition of the nervous system that causes gradual damage to nerve cells in the brain. This affects balance, movement and the autonomic nervous system, which controls several basic functions such as breathing, digestion and bladder control
Symptoms of MSA usually start in people between 50 and 60, but can begin as early as 30 years of age.
Symptoms are wide ranging and include muscle control problems, similar to Parkinson’s disease. Many different functions of the body can be affected, including the urinary system, blood pressure and muscle movement. To complicate matters further not everyone will develop all the symptoms, making MSA a difficult disease to diagnose.
Bladder problems include feeling a constant need to urinate, urinating more frequently, loss of bladder control, inability to empty the bladder completely or even the inability to urinate.
Men with MSA usually have the inability to get and maintain an erection, though this is also a common problem in this age group.
Dizziness when standing up, problems with co-ordination, balance and speech, slowless of movement and feeling stiff are other common symptoms.